
Skin Care Products I Use

Every skin type has its own needs. Even when you fall within one of the general skin types, it will be slightly different from others’ within that same category.

I have combination skin, which means my skin is pretty balanced, with oilier T zones, and follow an appropriate day/night regimen. I wrote an article outlining day/night regimen for every skin type. It includes a downloadable guide that you can either save on your phone or print out.

Today, I wanted to share products that I use because if you’re like me then you dread researching and just want to take advice from someone you trust, hopefully that being me. Otherwise why would you be here right? No? Either way, lets move on.

You may be wondering how I found out about these products if I don’t like to research. And the answer is simple, my best friend Mahnoush who is obtaining her doctorate degree in Eastern medicine, herbology and alternative medicine, my medical facialist who has had 25 years in the industry and dermatologist have recommended these products. Oh, the power of word of mouth.

For almost anything and everything I prefer to use Amazon. Who doesn’t like presents arriving at their doorstep right? OK, not really presents but feels the same.

I’ve linked all the beauty products I use in this link.

Don’t forget your skin care products come with an expiration. The expiration is usually displayed as a number 6 or 12 indicating the expiring of the product 6 or 12 months after opening. I usually write the date I open my products with a sharpie.

Don’t forget your skin care products come with an expiration. The expiration is usually displayed as a number 6 or 12 indicating the expiring of the product 6 or 12 months after opening. I usually write the date I open my products with a sharpie.